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snippet: This 2020 analysis is a simple overlay of half-mile buffers surrounding the following amenities: Childcare facilities, grocery stores, libraries, parks, bus stops, medical facilities, and schools. It was based on the assumption that new, attainable/ affordable housing should be conveniently located near these essential neighborhood services. The one-half mile buffer was used to represent the maximum desired walking distance. Sidewalks were not considered/a factor. Amenities were not weighted, nor was there any differentiation made for being within proximity to 3 parks vs. 1 grocery store, 1 childcare facility, and 1 bus stop. All amenity locations used were points, except for parks, which were polygons (since parks can be accessed from most anywhere along their boundary) Residentially zoned vacant parcels that intersected any of the proximity areas were then identified. Other proximity analysis models were run, weighted by various distances and amenity type. These models provided more nuanced results, but were not necessarily considered to be any more useful than the basic buffer approach due to the rapid development of the general area.
summary: This 2020 analysis is a simple overlay of half-mile buffers surrounding the following amenities: Childcare facilities, grocery stores, libraries, parks, bus stops, medical facilities, and schools. It was based on the assumption that new, attainable/ affordable housing should be conveniently located near these essential neighborhood services. The one-half mile buffer was used to represent the maximum desired walking distance. Sidewalks were not considered/a factor. Amenities were not weighted, nor was there any differentiation made for being within proximity to 3 parks vs. 1 grocery store, 1 childcare facility, and 1 bus stop. All amenity locations used were points, except for parks, which were polygons (since parks can be accessed from most anywhere along their boundary) Residentially zoned vacant parcels that intersected any of the proximity areas were then identified. Other proximity analysis models were run, weighted by various distances and amenity type. These models provided more nuanced results, but were not necessarily considered to be any more useful than the basic buffer approach due to the rapid development of the general area.
extent: [[-113.72957567135,36.9788217356209],[-112.960857601818,37.589950570427]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Feature Access","Feature Service","providerSDS","Service"]
title: Attainable Housing Site Analysis 2020_WFL1
type: Feature Service
tags: ["Housing","Attainable","Utah","Washington Co."]
culture: en-US
name: Attainable_Housing_Site_Analysis_2020_WFL1
guid: 055CE14D-3F8B-4768-8726-1CD7E48199CD
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere