Description: PLSSQuarterSections_GCDB is the third level of a hierarchical break down of the Public Land Survey System Rectangular surveys. This data is Version 2.0 2015 of the Utah GCDB. This data set represents the GIS Version of the Public Land Survey System. Updates are expected annually as horizontal control positions from published sources and global positioning system (GPS) observations are added. The primary source for the data is cadastral survey records housed by the BLM supplemented with local records and geographic control coordinates from states, counties as well as other federal agencies such as the USGS and USFS. This data was orginally published on 5/1/2015.This is no longer a standard and is now published as a Reference layer. This data is derived from the Second Division of the PLSS which includes quarter, quarter-quarter, sixteenth or government lot division of the PLSS.
Service Item Id: 21df9b8f9f6f4af2bfe2fc3460a51b57
Copyright Text: Utah BLM, Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC),Utah Counties, Premier Data Services