Description: Original data source provided by Southern Utah Department of Public Health included 7,714 septic permit & inspection records dating from 1986 to September 14, 2018. Records were geolocated by Washington County GIS using the best available method dependent upon the address information available, including x,y location, street address, subdivision & lot number, or ACS grid location. 5,499 of those 7,714 records have currently been located as points and included in this dataset. Updated March 2023.
Description: Sensitive groundwater resource areas from Washington County Ord. 2002-817-O, An Ordinance Adopting Groundwater Study Density Requirements for Septic System Use. Digitized by Washington County GIS in 2021.4-3-6: SENSITIVE GROUND WATER RESOURCE AREAS WITHIN COUNTY
Name: Recommended Septic Density (Unincorporated County)
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Recommended septic density areas for Washington County, Utah, digitized from 2024 data provided by Washington County Water Conservancy District and Ash Creek SSD. *WCWCD and Ash Creek do not use "hard" boundaries. Recommended density is applied to "buildable areas" (i.e. any land being built on at the time). Areas and densities subject to change as additional density studies are planned.
Description: This slope data was created from the Washington County 2009 DEM and represents percent slope categories as defined in section 10-24-3 Disturbance Standards of Washington County, UT, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24 Hillside Development Standards.10-24-3: DISTURBANCE STANDARDS:In furtherance of the purposes set forth above, site disturbance related to hillside development shall comply with the following schedule: A. Zero to nineteen percent (0-19%) slope: See existing ordinances and standards unless otherwise required by the county. B. Twenty to twenty nine percent (20-29%) slope: Seventy percent (70%) of the slope shall remain undisturbed. The seventy percent (70%) area is based upon the overall area/development rather than per lot. C. Thirty percent (30%) and greater slope: Ninety percent (90%) of this slope category shall remain undisturbed. The ninety percent (90%) area is based upon the overall area/development rather than per lot. D. The county commission shall have the authority to adjust the above percentages, for cause, after receiving a recommendation from the county staff and the land use authority. (Ord. 2006-910-O, 5-2-2006)
Description: This dataset is a representation of sanitary sewer service areas and areas of the County served by on-site septic systems (septic tanks). This dataset is a work in progress and will be updated as informaton becomes available. Sources include municipal websites, Ash Creek SSD, Washington County Water Conservancy SSD, and local building inspections knowledge.
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